Publié le par crimscope

“Even the best laboratory can’t gain from one exhibit, (of evidence) more than what was contained in it, when it arrived from the field,” said Almog, an internationally recognized expert in forensic science. He is currently professor of forensic chemistry of the Casali Institute of Applied Chemistry in Jerusalem, Israel. Before joining the Casali Institute, Almog served 13 years in the National Crime Laboratory of Israel, where he attained the rank of brigadier general. In this position, he was involved in analyzing many acts of terrorism carried out against Israeli citizens. Almog also directe ...ALSO 

CPTED is a crime prevention approach based on a theory that the built environment influences the behaviour of people. The proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the incidence and fear of crime, thereby improving the quality of life. CPTED involves the design of the physical space relative to the needs of the users the normal use of the space the predictable behaviour of the users of the space. Crime decreases if the opportunity to commit the crime is reduced or eliminated. CPTED works by eliminating criminal opportunities in and around your property. This can result in your property being a less appealing target.


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